David co-composed the scores for SAVING LUNA and The Whale with the talented Tobin Stokes.  SAVING LUNA and The Whale amassed 25 festival and industry awards worldwide.

Theatrical documentary

SAVING LUNA is an award-winning documentary produced by Mountainside Films, and directed by Michael Parfit and Suzanne Chisholm. It tells the true story of a lone baby orca named Luna, who was separated from his family and tried to befriend people on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

SAVING LUNA is narrated as a personal story by co-director Michael Parfit. You could call it the director’s cut. Another version of the film (titled The Whale), narrated by film star Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool, The Proposal, Green Lantern, and others), was released in selected theatres in the United States in late 2011.

Visit http://www.thewhalemovie.com and http://www.savingluna.com for more information.